About Wesley (English) ( I was disappointed with life and longed to see day when it was night, and night when it was day with no hope ahead……..but Jesus changed my life. Pl. read my testimony in printed material.)
Telugu Christian Messages By Wesley (Frequently uploaded messages for spiritual growth)
Telugu Messages By Late Mr. & Mrs. Abel (Messages by our parents, who surrendered their everything at the feet of Jesus and followed him turning many to Christ. pl. read their ministry in Printed material.)
Other Messages/Testimonies (English & Telugu) (Some of these testimonies are incredible real experiences of people testifying the life changing power of God. You can read recorded audio messages of Bro. Joshua Daniel and Bro. Kishan Singh too.)
Printed material (English) (1. Testimony of Mr. & Mrs. Abel about their personal relationship with God and some incredible experiences of their ministry in AP, India – you can not miss! 2. My personal testimony, and 3. Testimony of Bro. Amrutha Kumar who surrendered his life to do ministry in and around Nepal – do not miss)!
Contact Me (English)